Shorewest, REALTORS® hired an outside marketing firm, Holdfast, to help reposition Shorewest in the marketplace. They were in a perfect spot to refresh their tone and brand identity, having spent the
last 10-20 years rehashing the same strategy of Billboards, print ads and the occasional television and radio ads on traditional platforms. It was time to reset and focus our attention on where the consumers were and that was online. Within this research and deliverables that came from it, we also saw it as a perfect time to give our overall look a refresh. Though Holdfast handled the research and coming up with the creative for the main video, our team worked closely every step of the way. Being involved in meetings that determined how we were going to gather the research and pitching different creatives to being present the day of the big shoot, it was all quite exciting. The new look of Shorewest was up to me to deliver for Social and all the assets within the company that would be used by agents and on a corporate level across the board.

Here is the President of Shorewest introducing what went into the new look

The new Brand positioning, tone, etc. that was created from the market research

Here you will see some of the assets that I created for the new look and feel of shorewest, plus you can see me on camera!

This was a large project with a lot of moving pieces and the rollout has been tedious, but the response of the new look has been amazing. The brand refresh focused on the general shorewest brand, with the luxury branding of shorewest to get a refresh in the coming year. 
Enjoy the video ad spot that holdfast created below. We wanted to create an ad that was humorous, but also positioned Shorewest as the knowledge, experienced brokerage that it is based on its longevity and reputation.

This is the :30 second spot that ran across hulu, paramount+ and many other digital platforms

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